Monday, October 3, 2011

Vatican Gardens

Casey and I got a tour of the Vatican Gardens Saturday. For those of you who have never seen them, next time you are in Rome, we highly suggest going on this tour. You must make a reservation for this through the Vatican's website. We tried to go to the Vatican Information/Tourist office, and the only thing they offered was one of those "Rome Cristian tours" on those tacky yellow buses. Do not do that. Here is why: 

1) People on those tours listen to a recording through headphones.
2) They are not allowed to get off the bus.
3) It is also really short (30 mins).
4) It costs at least 40 euro.

What we did was a walking tour, and here is why it is better:
1) It is given by an official, authorized Vatican tour-guide.
2) It is a walking tour where you see all the main points in Vatican City.
3) It lasts for 2 hours.
4) It is 31 euro, and that also includes admission to the Vatican museums afterward.

So please- go to the Vatican's website for booking reservations online. Then follow these steps: click on Guided tours for Individuals>Vatican Gardens>then fill in the following pages as directed. It is a long day, but you can take a break between to tour of the gardens for some lunch, and then go see the museums in the afternoon. Casey and I both highly recommend it to anyone. Let us know if you have questions!

The Pinacoteca
Villa D'Este
Fountain with dragon and eagle motifs- both symbols of the papacy
Statue of St. Peter blessing his basilica
Convent inside Vatican City. See the nun in white?
Copy of the Lourdes Grotto
Vatican Hellipad- or the Vatipad as we nicknamed it
Vines growing along the Vatican walls
Italian garden. Lots of green parrots live here.
The French Garden
Shrine of Mary
Fountain that unfortunately was not working in the English Garden

Ciao Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! These photos are amazing. I certainly did not see any of this on my tour all those years ago.
