Monday, August 15, 2011

A first glance

Hopefully most of you have heard by now, but Casey and I are having major issues uploading our videos to this blog, so for now, we are just going to be posting our pictures. This is what we have seen and done since we have been here... Will be posting pics of the apartment a bit later this week!

cool large, round fountain near Piazza Navona

bahaha. Seagull on Bernini's Fountain of the Moor in Piazza Navona
Piazza Navona. You are looking at Bernini's famous Baroque Fountain of the Four Rivers, sculpted after the world's "greatest" rivers (Ganges, Nile, della Plata, and Danube). In the center is an Egyptian obelisk.
Pantheon, about 6:30 at night. Look at all the people!
The inside of the Pantheon's dome. 
The first and last Ferrari we have seen! It was about a block away from the Trevi Fountain.
Trevi Fountain
Hoards of people viewing the Trevi. 
Thousands of people as far as the eye can see. The beach outside of Rome is really cool. It is called Lido di Ostia, and you can pay to go to one of the private beaches, where the bring you a nice lounge chair. It was totally worth it because this photo was taken in the direction of the free, public beach, and as you can see it is crowded beyond belief... and they did not offer the amazing lounge chairs!
Our private section of the beach. See the chairs with the cabana/ sun guards? We are planning on going back in another week or so on a week day to see if it is any less crowded!
Beach vendors are everywhere... selling coconut, drinks, swimsuits, towels, watches & jewelry, knockoff sunglasses & purses, corn-on-the-cob. I bought my sarong from this guy! 
Sarah and Casey at the end of the day. Photo courtesy of the Italian lifeguards (i salvataggi). 

Ciao Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. OMG ya'll, these are absolutely fab photos. Looks like you are having a wonderful time as expected. I can't believe all the people that were at the beach and Trevi Fountain. I guess it is August and everyone is still on holiday. What a life! Of course, my absolutely fav photo is the last one of the two of you. Enjoy! Ciao!
